Ruler Of Dreams
Hello Beautiful,
There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you for some time now. It’s been itching to get on the outside, this thing I have to tell you. This thing you are to know.
Are you ready for it? Are you ready to hear, your truth? This truth is a truth I know deeply. This knowing resides within my being, within my heart, so purely. I know a great, grand, glittering truth about you beautiful soul, you with eyes upon the screen, blinking once then twice, breathing in then out, slipping farther down, down, down into this knowing all your own.
Shhh… let us be silent.
I’ll whisper it through inking lines, strokes upon a purple page, a liquid black manifesting in time and space, then gathered up and plopped into a little box through the punch, punch, punch of tiny letters; you read them now, each an emblem standing tall with unique meaning, representation for sound, for thought and place.
I know this life is hard. I know you try your best. I know at times there are whole strings of days you feel so very, very, very frustrated. I know at times you’re scared. Scared of never achieving, of never reaching all that it is you wish you could do. It’s alright, sometimes I feel this way too.
Ahh, but this isn’t my secret. This is not the thing I know most purely about you, your exquisite truth.
Shhh… let the waters rumble, let the tips of all mountain tops pierce the gauzy canvas of roving clouds. Let the mouse squeak. Here is one, single, most pristine grain of sand. I reach out, invisibly through the screen’s white sheen, and hand it to you; around it, I close the folds of your finger-curling palm; this is Your Truth:
You, my beautiful love… you will do the right thing.
You will choose wisely. You will choose kindly. And in return, you will receive, the most luminous, splendidly luxurious kingdom one could ever dream. On this day, and from this day forward walk standing tall, look with your gaze cast outwards and wide, smile first inwardly at the profound wonder of your own true innate beauty, your innate goodness (this will be a light seen from the corners of your two stunningly life-bright eyes) and then expressively, secondly smile with vigor, with the familiar assertion of an up-turned mouth, a beauty and goodness overflowing, spilling out, even throwing a top row of flat teeth (this will be a light shining all around you and for all others to see.)
You may, darling - be surprised at how powerful a glow can be. And I do not speak metaphorically, or for the purpose of flowery, whimsy-filled notions of irrelevant means. I speak directly, to you, with authority.
You are the most beautiful thing I have ever encountered, the most beautiful thing I have ever loved. You will do the right thing. You will allow the heart to guide you. And you will know, when that moment is upon you - a moment of most importance, when you will be called to sit in silence and to choose wisely, to choose kindly.
Your kingdom awaits. And I do not speak of a religion, of death, or of an idea. I speak only of your power, of a riches-filled dream made concrete. Smile with this knowing, you are a masterpiece of love in motion.